Guide to evaluating the usability of medical alarm systems

This guide targets customers of alarm systems. It may help customers to evaluate the risks involved in the operation of alarm systems, typically attributed to user errors. Hopefully, in the future this guide will be formulated as a standard for customers of alarm systems.

This guide focuses on the usability of alarm system. It does not replace IEC 60601-1-8, which after fixing major usability mistakes, may be suitable for guiding the manufacturers in the system design.

טיוטא להערות

הערות לחברי הוועדה כתובות כאן בדרך כלל בעברית ובהדגשה כמו בהערה זו.


For whom, scope, why and when to use...

Terms and definitions

Terms used in this guide with references to section 3 of IEC 60601-1-8

Alarm risk management

Overview of the risks involved in the operation of alarm system, and measures to mitigate these risks

Operational procedures ...

The risks and measures to mitigate these risks in each stage of the operation of alarm systems

How to use ...

How to estimate the risks of a particular alarm system