Subclause 6.2 – Disclosures for INTELLIGENT ALARM SYSTEM

ü        Every effort should be made in designing equipment to integrate ALARM SYSTEMS into a coordinated system, minimizing the total number of ALARM SIGNALS to which an OPERATOR needs to respond. This is important as multiple ALARM CONDITIONS can generate ALARM SIGNALS when one problem occurs.

זוהי דרישה כלפי האדמיניסטרציה. הממסד צריך לרכוש ממשק הפעלה שמתחבר למספר מכשירים. היצרנים צריכים לדאוג לאופציה של יציאה לממשק הפעלה כזה. יש לכך השלכות גם כלפי תקן חומרה ותוכנת תקשורת.

An INTELLIGENT ALARM SYSTEM need not simultaneously generate ALARM SIGNALS for all active ALARM CONDITIONS.

במקום need not  צריך לדרוש must not

ü        The equivalent safety objective can be achieved by priority ranking and generating ALARM SIGNALS for a subset of the current active ALARM CONDITIONS. When multiple concurrent ALARM CONDITIONS exist, the relative importance of each ALARM CONDITION can be used to internally rank the ALARM CONDITION within a given priority. This internal priority ranking can be used to determine which particular ALARM CONDITION is causing the generation of ALARM SIGNALS or can be used to suppress the generation of ALARM SIGNALS for lower internal priority ALARM CONDITIONS. Multiple ALARM CONDITIONS of the same priority and the same or very similar meaning can also be incorporated into a single message (visual ALARM SIGNAL). These techniques are used to reduce the number of ALARM SIGNALS that an OPERATOR is required to respond to on ALARM SYSTEMS with multiple, related ALARM CONDITIONS. The use of INTELLIGENT ALARM SYSTEMS can be an effective way of reducing the number of ALARM SIGNALS that are generated during transient events, thus reducing the number of nuisance or FALSE POSITIVE or FALSE NEGATIVE ALARM CONDITIONS.

עדיף לנסח זאת כדרישה לשני תנאים:

א. בכל ארוע תנתן התרעה קולית אחת בלבד

ב. מידע על הפרמטרים שגרמו להתרעה יופיע בערוץ החזותי

ü         To assign an ALARM CONDITION priority, an algorithm of an INTELLIGENT ALARM SYSTEM might consider the magnitude of the deviation of a monitored variable from the ALARM LIMIT, the rate of change of the variable, the duration of the ALARM CONDITION and the presence or absence of any other concurrent ALARM CONDITIONS, redundant sources of information or values of other variables.

הדרישה ליצרן צריכה להיות במונחים של סטטיסטיקה של הסיכון של במצבים הללו.

ü        After an ALARM CONDITION has generated ALARM SIGNALS, subsequent or persisting ALARM CONDITION(S) can cause the ALARM SYSTEM to change the priority of the ALARM CONDITION or to reassess the initial ALARM CONDITION (and perhaps cancel its ALARM SIGNAL generation) through the use of an INTELLIGENT ALARM SYSTEM algorithm.

ü        INTELLIGENT ALARM SYSTEMS are permitted change characteristics of the ALARM SIGNALS to indicate a change in urgency. These changes can include, but are not limited to, changing the intensity of BURST volume, INTERBURST INTERVAL or PULSE FREQUENCY.

יעד 6 - אבטחת הערך הדיאגנוסטי של ההתרעה - גורם כשל ב' - השומעים אינם מודעים לתזמון האיום –


א.       אפשר גם לעבור להתרעה בכריזה

ב.       צריך להסביר את אופי השינויים בתדר הצליל, בקצב השמעת הצלילים ובעוצמה, כתלות בעדיפות

ü         The algorithms of INTELLIGENT ALARM SYSTEMS should be evaluated and validated to ensure that the equipment meets the operational needs of the expected OPERATOR in the expected environment of its INTENDED USE. For methods of evaluation of USABILITY see IEC 60601-1-6.

לדרוש בדיקות פונקציונליות לפני בדיקות שימושיות