[Signals in case of failure]
ü There are some failures, such as a power failure of the ALARM SYSTEM, which make it impossible for the ALARM SYSTEM to perform its intended function. In these cases, other means, such as a simple battery-backed tone generator, can be used to generate an ALARM SIGNAL to indicate such a TECHNICAL ALARM CONDITION.
ü It would be best, if possible, for the ALARM SYSTEM to generate an auditory ALARM SIGNAL that complies with Table 3 and Table 4 and the “equipment failure or power down” melody from Annex F, but it is recognized that this can be impractical and that a non-standard auditory ALARM SIGNAL can be acceptable for this purpose.
באילו מצבים
זה לא פרקטי?
צריך לציין
אותם, ולא
להשאיר ליצרן
פתח לעשות
קיצורי דרך.
ü A power or ALARM SYSTEM failure auditory ALARM SIGNAL should be generated for at least 120 s. This is particularly important for LIFE-SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT or life-sustaining equipment where the loss of function without immediate OPERATOR action can lead to a HAZARDOUS SITUATION for the PATIENT. Such a signal should also be considered for vital signs monitors to ensure that the OPERATORS are aware of the malfunction and can alter their clinical practice appropriately.
נניח שהמשתמש
הגיע תוך 5
שניות. העסק ימשיך
לזמזם? היצרן צריך
לספק אמצעי
להשתיק זמנית את
הקול, ולספק
תזכורת, כמו
עבור התרעות
Allowing the OPERATOR to select LATCHING versus NON-LATCHING ALARM SIGNALS other than those determined
to be appropriate by the RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATION, can lead to HAZARDS when a new OPERATOR becomes responsible for the equipment. See also the rationale for Subclause 6.7.
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